R&D Paper Submission Guidelines
by David Kohanbash on January 15, 2014

Here at robotsforroboticists.com we wish to change how research papers are presented to the world. As part of that we will accept submissions of papers related to building real robots. We will not accept papers related to things that have not been tested on a robot. Good examples of papers include robot system design, subsystem design, lessons learned, new algorithms, and new mechanisms. Many papers that we will accept are more about the engineering than classical research. Papers accepted to robotsforroboticists.com will be accessible to the world as the site is well indexed by search engines.
All papers will be peer-reviewed and the reviewers information will be posted (possibly just the reviewers title and institution and not their name based on reviewers preference) so that readers can gauge the reliability of the article. Also anyone reading the paper can leave a comment which gives another level of potential review to each paper.
Please use the form below to start the process of getting an article accepted into the blog. The time from submission to publication is based on how fast you can submit the paper and the availability of reviewers.
If your article is approved to be posted on the blog you will need to submit a word document with no fancy formatting (ie. just text, bold, italic, images, tables, etc..). Please keep papers short and concise with out the useless fluff that sometimes enters into papers as they try to meet a page count. By providing your work for publication on this blog you are agreeing that you have the rights to publish the material and you are giving robotsforroboticists.com and derivative sites the right to publish the work and make use of it within the website. You will still have rights to do what you want with the paper outside of robotsforroboticists.com. Also by submitting a paper to this site robotsforroboticists.com may contact you about reviewing other papers that may be within your area of expertise.
Image from http://www.angelfire.com/maurehope13/journal.jpg
[…] will be published with the paper. If you are interested in having a paper reviewed please visit the paper submission guide for more […]