Intel RealSense D435 Teardown and Cleaning

by on November 8, 2020

realsense CAD

The Intel RealSense D435 is nice little depth camera. So naturally I want to tear it down and see what is inside of it. Also I have seen many cases where if the the camera is used outdoors dust can get inside on the lenses and affect image quality. I have also seen the internal black rubber seal start to feather and breakdown putting small black particles on the lens. So here is a teardown of a D435 camera so that you can see what is inside and also to help you open it up for a cleaning.

Realsense D435
screws to open realsense
We start by removing the screws to open
the camera using a Torx5 screwdriver bit.
screws for realsense
Nice touch, having the locktite on the screws.
opening realsense
After removing the two screws, the lid tips up (almost like a hinge) to get into the sensor.
inside of lid
Not the most exciting, but here is the inside of the lid
realsense circuit board
We are finally getting to the good stuff. Here is the back of the module after the lid comes off. This module has 5 T4 screws on the black perimeter, that can be removed to get this camera module out from the front housing.
realsense enclosuse
After removing the screws you can take the camera module out leaving this outer shell behind. This is one area that attracts dirt and can be cleaned with a lens cleaner and (lint free) cloth. You can see the screw holes that the board was attached to. The black rubber on the inner face of this image is what I have seen start to degrade/feather and get on the lenses.
realsense camera module
Finally what you have been waiting for. Here is the actual camera module. These lenses can also be cleaned as needed if you have dust/dirt in your images.
cameras in the realsense D435
Just in case you were wondering, here are what each of those “cameras” above are for [source].

There you have it. A quick teardown of the Intel D435 camera. Now all you need to do is not loose the tiny screws and put it all back together.

After finishing writing this article I was looking for a main image to put on the top of this post. And I found this video about the D435 that shows CAD of the internal components of a similiar camera (with a quick peek of the D435).

Have Fun and leave comments below if you also need to clean your camera lenses.

The main image is from the youtube video above. Note that it is the D415 in the CAD, and not this D435. Were you able to notice? Leave it in the comments below.

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