Antenna Separation: How Close Can You Go?
by David Kohanbash on May 16, 2016

When building a new robot the mechanical engineers always ask me how close can the different antennas be to each other. It is not uncommon to try squeezing 5+ antennas on a single robot (GPS, GPS2 for heading, RTK, joystick, e-stop, communications, etc..). So what is the proper response? The real answer is that it depends heavily on the environment. However below are the rules of thumb that I have learnt and that have been passed down to me for antenna separation. I do want to give a disclaimer that some of this has been passed down as rules of thumb and might not be 100% correct.
Here is the rule: The horizontal distance between antennas should be greater than 1/4 of its wavelength (absolute minimum separation), but it should not be located at the exact multiples of its wavelength (maybe avoid the first 3-4 multiples). If multiple frequency antennas are near each other, than use the spacing distance of the lower frequency antenna, or even better try to satisfy the rule for both frequencies.
Device | Frequency | Wavelength | 1/4 Wavelength |
WiFi 802.11 | 5.8GHz | 5.17cm | 1.29cm |
WiFi 802.11 | 2.4GHz | 12.49cm | 3.12cm |
GPS* | 1.227GHz | 24.43cm | 6.11cm |
Radios | 900MHz | 33.3cm | 8.33cm |
Here is a nice wavelength calculator I just found to generate the table above.
* If you are using two GPS antennas to compute heading than this does not apply. These numbers are strictly for RF considerations.
So for example if you have a GPS antenna and a WiFi 2.4GHz antenna you would want them to be separated by at least (more is better, within reason) 8.33cm. And you should avoid putting them at exactly 24.43cm or 33.3cm from each other.
This rule seems to work with the low power antennas that we typically use in most robotics applications. I am not sure how this would work with high power transmitters. For higher power transmitting antennas you might want a greater separation. The power drops off pretty quickly with distance (proportional with the square of the distance).
I also try to separate receive and transmit antennas just as a precaution to also try and prevent interference problems.
An extension of the above rule is ground planes. Ground planes are conductive reference planes that are put below antennas to reflect the waves to create a predictable wave pattern and can also help prevent multipath waves (that are bouncing off the ground, water, buildings, etc…). The farther an antenna is from the ground (since the ground can act as a ground plane), the more having a ground place becomes necessary. In the simplest form a ground plane is a piece of metal that extends out from the antennas base at least 1/4 wavelength in each direction. Fancy ground planes might just be several metal prongs that stick out. A very common ground plane is the metal roof of a vehicle/robot.
Note: Do not confuse ground planes with RF grounds, signal grounds, DC grounds, etc…
An example of building a ground plane can be with a GPS antenna. It should be mounted in the center of a metal roofed robot/car or on the largest flat metal location. This will minimize the multipath signals from the ground. If there is no flat metal surface to mount the antenna you can create a ground plane by putting a 12.22cm diameter metal sheet directly below the antenna (about 1/2 the signals wavelength, which gives 1/4 wavelength per side).
Note: Some fancy antennas do not require that you add a ground plane. For example the Novatel GPS antennas does NOT require you to add a ground plane as described above.
Other things to watch out for are shadowing between the antennas and sensors and the fresnel zone. For more information on the fresnel zone, and why antennas are not actually just line of site, click here.
Have you had any problems with antenna separation? Let us know in the comments below.
Main image from
I never knew that distance between antennas should be greater than 1/4 of its wavelength. Whoever came up with that had to be a genius. It’s cool to see the detail of how antennas work.
Putting antennay too close is a bad idea because a) the nearfield interaction alters the pattern, that’s how a yagi works and b) you might fry the reveiver of the other antenna when transmitting.
What I can’t see is the reasoning behind not putting them on exact wavelengths. This makes sense in a MIMO system when antennas should be as uncorrelated as possible and/or you transmit or receive the same signal.
But why should putting antennas say three exact wavelenghts apart matter if you have completely independent systems that use the same frequency?